
Moving to Peoria

Seriously. Who needs a socialist like me here when you have socialists like them? It's so in this season.

Original quote:
Andrew becomes quiet. “It also addresses the idea that Communism, which is utopia on earth, whenever it’s actually put into practice, fails.” A tear rolled down his cheek. “And it speaks to me more to the inadequacy of human beings, that deep down inside we can’t share. We can’t get along. I do have Communist roots” — he turned to the other Andrew — “Can I say that?”
Andrew becomes quiet. “It also addresses the idea that Communism, which is utopia on earth, whenever it’s actually put into practice, fails.” A tear rolled down his cheek. “And it speaks to me more to the inadequacy of human beings, that deep down inside we can’t survive without a huge diversity of worthless consumer products to differentiate ourselves as superficially as possible in order to create micro-hierarchies that we can place ourselves on top of in order to gain the recognition we so richly deserve for doing nothing."

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