
I'm in love again

Fantastic weekend in New York.

Went to a great party, saw many, many people I haven't seen in a while. Bought some superb records.

Even the fact that MOMA makes me sad isn't making me sad. Next time I go it'll be in Winter and there will be less people and Rodchenko and I will have the time alone we so richly deserve.

Anyone want to give me $2,000 a week for nothing? Rent. Rent. Rent.


Anonymous said...

It's good to read that ur spirits are up!

:-p said...

I'm in the magical in-between period where I have realized I am going to be back in NYC or DC soon (hopefully about six months) but before I actually deal with the practicalities of moving. Once I start to feel emotionally how difficult moving back will be as opposed to just knowing it rationally, I will start to freak out again! ;-)

But until then...

BDR said...

DC? Pints, first time on me, second time on you if I get a second time.

:-p said...

It's a deal. At minimum I am going to try and make it down there for a few days before the end of the year. I will definitely be in touch when there is more to say than that.